

Burial Ceremony at Minturn Cemetery

The Minturn Cemetery District was established in 1945 for the purpose of caring for and maintaining the Cemetery at 806 Cemetery Road in Minturn, Colorado, known today as the River View Cemetery.
Public funding for the cemetery is provided for by a property tax mill levy assessment within the Town of Minturn, the Town of Vail, and a small area of the Eagle-Vail community (between Minturn and the Route 6 Café). The Board of Directors is appointed by the Eagle county Commissioner’s office and consists of three members, none of which are paid. The duties of the Board of Directors is to oversee the fiscal facilitation, general operations and staffing of the River View Cemetery.


Pedestrian gate is open all the time. Patrons are allowed inside the cemetery gates one hour  after sunrise and one hour before sunset. Gates are open to automobile traffic during special events and while cemetery staff is on property.

History of Minturn’s River View Cemetery

The River View Cemetery is a publicly-funded, non-denominational cemetery located in the town of Minturn, Colorado. Across the Eagle River, and below the town’s picturesque rock cliffs,  mountain views of Lionshead Rock and Battle Mountain Pass surround the property. Burials and gravestones date back to the late 1800’s, with both marked and unmarked gravesites.  Most of the residents whosettled the area were miners, railroad workers, and ranchers of mainly Hispanic and Scandinavian descent. When walking through the cemetery, the rich history of the area is obvious. Reading the headstones reveal a glimpse into the past. There is a strong sense of history and community dating back to the early days of mining, ranching and railroading. Even today, the variety of personalities, religious preferences, emotions in times of war, and the difficulties of childbirth, and disease are apparent. Many graves of infants, children, and war veterans can be found. The Minturn Cemetery is a testament to Eagle County’s rich history of mountain living and the strength of its community.

In 2010 the Minturn Cemetery District commissioned a community mausoleum for crypt and cremains interments. Also, over 200 burial plots in the upper cemetery were added. A public restroom and mountain-style gazebo were built on the property in 2013. Landscape improvements and flower beds are maintained seasonally.

Employment Opportunities:

Currently there are no employment opportunities at this time.