Meeting Minutes – May 2015



May 11, 2015

Members Present:

Dick Cleveland

Mike Martinez

John Sheehan

Members Absent:



Sidney Harrington

Ray Sforzo

Matt Mire

Ken Marchetti


John Sheehan called the regular meeting to order at approximately 4:06 p.m. at the Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.


Dick, Mike, John, Ray, Sidney, Matt and Ken were all present.




Dick motioned to approve the meeting minutes from April 20, 2015 and Mike seconded the motion. All were in favor.


A. Ken Marchetti presented the 2014 DRAFT audit report to the Board and staff. The audit has been conducted by McMahon and Associates and represents a review of the governmental activities and the general fund for the District for the 2014 calendar year. It has been concluded that the financial statements as presented represent the respective financial position of the District in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Ken advised that this audit is consistent with past audits and nothing has come up that is derogatory. Dick motioned that the Board of Directors accept the audit as presented at the meeting as the FINAL draft for the 2014 fiscal year. John seconded and all were in favor.

B. Matt Mire led the discussion on insurance coverage for the District. After reviewing with James McGalliard, the District agent, he is advising that the Board move forward with some “gap” coverage for professional liability. There are two policies to choose from varying in coverage and deductible based on sub-limits of $500,000 and $250,000. Dick motioned to

purchase a policy with the lesser sub-limit of $250,000 (Option 1) for the price of $3,911. John seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Matt, along with Board and staff, continued the discussion from the last meeting regarding the sub-contract agreement for Sidney and Ray. Independent work status risks and liability have been addressed. Matt believes that now that insurance is in place, double indemnity is not necessary in the contract language. The provision regarding failure to pay federal taxes, Section 4.1(iii), has been removed. Furthermore, Matt said all parties have appropriate insurance (Ray, Sidney and District are all “additional insureds”) and case law is very clear about contractor immunity. Based on the job descriptions, there is very little risk that the federal government would consider either the Administrator or Property Manager positions as being anything but independent contractor status.

C. Sidney gave an Administrator report:

The District received an official notice regarding the special use permit that has been applied for directly next to and touching District property.

Discussion regarding staff (Administrator & Property Mgr.) compensation ensued and a raise in pay has not been granted for two years to staff. Both Sidney and Ray discussed ongoing duties and position challenges including regular time-commitments and unexpected time-commitments (burials) as it relates to man-power. The Cemetery duties require a team-like effort to cover the services provided by the District 365 days of the year. Board members would like to conduct an executive session on another date to further discuss compensation. A May 18th meeting at 4:00 pm has been scheduled.

Sidney reported that the District received no response from the public notice and display ad for the Board member replacement seat for John. John recommended reaching out to Art Chavez. Sidney will do so.

Sidney also reported that the cemetery plotting and marking system is still in progress and continues to evolve. Physical field data and CIMS database discrepancies continue to be sorted out. Furthermore, the “reserve plot list” has no standing with regards to our bylaws and rules and regulations. The Board would like to send a notice in writing to people on the waiting list to alert them that they have a set amount of time to come in and purchase a plot that has been on the wait-list.

A. Ray gave a Property Manager report:

Ray reported a new location for the shed building on the other side of the existing shed. There is a sliver of Town of Minturn property that would need to be acquired in order to build it. Ray would like to pursue this option after the survey company does its work.

Rocky Mountain Custom Landscaping will be performing regular mowing on Wednesdays and will be bagging grass this year for the same price.

Ray will also get bids to replace the failing stucco wall at the top of the mausoleum building.

In closing, Dick commented that he really values the work that both Ray and Sidney perform here at the cemetery. John and Mike agreed things are being managed well.


The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT 5/5/2015 Waste Management 52.50

EFT 5/11/2015 Centruy Link 259.00

The following checks were signed:

5/11/2015 1841 Deck Enterprises, LLC 600.00

5/11/2015 1846 Eager Beaver Tree Service 600.00

5/11/2015 1847 Firstbank 227.73

5/11/2015 1842 Hoffmann, Parker, Wilson & Carberry, P.C. 684.50

5/11/2015 1843 The Home Depot 166.42

5/11/2015 1839 Marchetti & Weaver, LLC 269.94

5/11/2015 1844 McMahan and Associates, LLC 4,500.00

5/11/2015 1848 MW Window Cleaning, Inc. 235.00

5/11/5015 1849 Ray Sforzo 214.79

5/11/2015 1850 Sforzo Enterprises, Inc. 3,447.50

5/11/2015 1851 Sidney Harrington 1,400.00

5/11/2015 1845 Vail Daily 1,520.58

5/11/2015 1840 Meridian Intermountain/Vail Electronics 212.50


Shed building, Ray & Sidney’s subcontracts for the District, John’s replacement – candidate interviews


John motioned to adjourn the regular meeting, Mike seconded and all were in favor at approximately 6:03 PM.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 11, 4:00 p.m., at the Minturn Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.

Respectfully Submitted:

Sidney Harrington




Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District


Meeting Minutes – April 2015



April 20, 2015

Members Present:

Dick Cleveland

Mike Martinez

John Sheehan

Members Absent:



Sidney Harrington

Ray Sforzo

Matt Mire

Jim McNiel


John Sheehan called the regular meeting to order at approximately 4:02 p.m. at the Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.


Dick, Mike, John, Ray and Sidney were all present.




Dick motioned to approve the meeting minutes from March 9, 2015 and Mike seconded the motion.


Dick Cleveland motioned that the Board of Directors go into executive session pursuant to Colorado Statute 24-7-402(4)(b) to discuss specific legal issues with legal counsel, Matt Mire. John seconded and all were in favor.

Upon returning from executive session, Dick announced that nothing was discussed in executive session other than legal issues. As a result of the executive session the Board of Directors would like Matt to review and revise/remove the verbiage in the subcontracts that require Ray and Sidney to indemnify the district for fault/damages. Furthermore language referring to reciprocal general liability indemnity shall be added. Bylaws shall also be revised to reflect contractual changes and indemnity clarification as well as naming both Ray and Sidney as additional insureds on the District general liability policy. The Board of Directors would also like to move forward with securing an Errors & Omissions insurance policy for the District. Dick motioned to put the preceding items into action, Mike seconded and all were in favor.

A. Jim McNeil addressed the shed building project:

Jim and Ray have been collaborating on the details of the shed building. A 40 ft. x 60 ft. building is being considered. Jim says a retaining wall is required in order to accommodate the building size and building drainage concerns. Jim believes the expense of this wall will be significant and has called some contractors for pricing.

Another issue that is concerning is the well that is located in the building area. It is required by law that the well has to stick up one foot above ground. If we build the shed around this area and something were to happen to the well pump, we could have some challenges in mitigating a problem. An option for protecting the well would be building a cover around it. Dick suggested a smaller building to accommodate the well. Is there another location for the shed building? John is opposed to covering the well with concrete. Mike pointed out that a “shorter” building could also eliminate wall expense.

Board and staff toured the potential shed building site to brainstorm ideas with Jim McNeil. Ideas were discussed and plans will be revisited.

B. Sidney gave an Administrator report:

With regards to the First Call of Colorado agreement, paperwork has not been signed and no agreement is currently in place.

Sidney reported, for the Board’s information, that the Minturn Cemetery District has no conventional bidding process monetary limitation for District spending. The District falls under Article 32 for special districts and we are not required by law to put anything out in an RFP (request for proposal) process. The Board and Staff agreed that we should have a limitation amount in place within the District bylaws.

Sidney placed a public notice and a display ad in the Vail Daily for John’s replacement and received no response. Sidney asked for the Board to please refer names for recruiting for this vacancy as we are in need of finding someone interested in serving. The Eagle BOCC has, in the past, considered tax revenue by location as it relates to representation when approving appointments for this District. Interviews will be scheduled for the June meeting.

A. Ray gave a Property Manager report:

Shed building was discussed previously in the meeting.

Ray got a solid bid for asphalt paving directly in front of the cemetery entry gates (apron paving). A-Peak Asphalt pricing is coming in at approximately $12,200. Dick motioned to approve the bid for apron paving and John seconded. All were in favor.

Ray said the weekly grass mowing bids this year will include grass catching. Grass spray stains the headstones and requires cleaning. He is waiting for bids to come in.


The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT 3/25/2015 Xcel Energy 386.73

EFT 4/10/2015 Centruy Link 259.34

The following checks were signed:

4/20/2015 1831 A4S Construction 1,950.00

4/20/2015 1830 Fitz Landscaping 8,809.23

4/20/2015 1832 Hayes, Phillips, Hoffmann & Carberry 1165..49

4/20/2015 1833 The Home Depot 157.88

4/20/2015 1834 Marchetti & Weaver, LLC 459.45

4/20/2015 1836 Orkin 500.00

4/20/2015 1835 Sforzo Enterprises Inc. 5,722.50

4/20/2015 1837 Sidney Harrington 2,065.00

4/20/2015 1838 Xcel Energy 303.19


Shed building, Ray & Sidney’s subcontracts for the District, John’s replacement, review applications and set up candidate interviews


Dick motioned to adjourn the regular meeting, Mike seconded and all were in favor at approximately 5:10 PM.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 11, 4:00 p.m., at the Minturn Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.

Respectfully Submitted:

Sidney Harrington




Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District


Meeting Minutes – March 2015



March 9, 2015

Members Present:

Dick Cleveland

Mike Martinez

Members Absent:

John Sheehan


Sidney Harrington

Ray Sforzo

Matt Mire


Dick Cleveland called the regular meeting to order at approximately 4:14 p.m. at the Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.


Dick, Mike, Ray, Sidney and Matt were all present. John did not attend.




Mike motioned to approve the meeting minutes from February 9, 2015 and Dick seconded the motion and all were in favor.


A. Sidney gave an Administrator report:

With regards to the First Call of Colorado agreement, a draft was sent out to the Board and Matt for review. Matt made some updates to the contract and it serves as a standard service agreement. A. #2 of the contract was approved for change to include a mutually agreed upon drop date. All were in agreement of the $5.00 per cremains fee for the ossuary. Matt will update the contract and forward to Sidney. Mike made a motion to approve the First Call contract agreement that includes a $5.00 cremains fee. Dick seconded and all were in favor. Dick motioned that Sidney execute the agreement by signing on behalf of the District and Mike seconded. All were in favor.

Administrator and Property Manager subcontracts were discussed. Dick suggested that we go into executive session at the beginning of the next meeting so that John can be included in the discussion along with Matt, because the District requires legal expertise as it relates to District By-Laws.

Discussion ensued with regards to Administrator and Property Manager concerns in the matter of general and professional liability and indemnification. Matt advised that the subcontract form is clearly drafted with the intent to make the positions subcontractors and not employees so that there is no confusion on that subject. This is due to IRS tax liabilities. Ray asked if the District can indemnify the Administrator and Property Manager positions and Matt advised that we should look through past District resolutions to see if there is any resolution that pertains to the subject of indemnification; however, at this time the By-Laws do not support that.

Furthermore, liability and immunity were addressed with regards to the District and contractors. The Administrator and the Property Manager are liable within their scope of work. Ray is more concerned about burials than “slip-n-falls”. Matt reiterated that if something were to go terribly wrong, the District would be sued along with anyone carrying liability insurance. Ray pointed out that as subcontractors of the Cemetery we are asked to carry out District business that is out of our control, i.e. conducting burials in a snowstorm. Board and Staff agreed to continue the discussion at the next meeting in executive session.

Matt was excused from the meeting.

A. Ray gave a Property Manager report:

The heat tape and gutters are installed and working on the public restroom.

The Cemetery rail slider has come back so Ray parked the truck in front of the launch site. Ray is in the process of mitigating this problem by installing tabs on the railings. Dick suggested installing pins on the railings and will look into it for Ray. Mike asked about the frequency and Ray confirmed it is not occurring too often. He thinks the most recent incident happened right after he left at 8pm at night.

Ray recently consulted with Jim McNiell and a survey of the lower shed site has been completed. Preliminary design plans/pricing was reviewed by Board and Staff. A four-sided building with a man-door and translucent roof panels was suggested. Mike inquired about covering all the burial materials and equipment and commented how important that is to protect the life of these items. Dick suggested adding a security system once we make the building improvements.


The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT 3/9/2015 Centurylink 260.22

EFT 3/9/2015 Chase Ink 24.40

The following checks were signed:

3/9/2015 1821 Defina Construction, Inc. 500.00

3/9/2015 1828 Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc. 818.00

3/9/2015 1825 F.D. Taylor Electrical Construction Co. 1,825.00

3/9/2015 1820 Hayes, Phillips, Hoffmann & Carberry 555.00

3/9/2015 1823 Home Depot 125.54

3/9/2015 1819 Liberty Mutual Insurance 4,281.00

3/9/2015 1822 Ramaker & Associates 450.00

3/9/2015 1827 Sforzo Enterprises Inc. 2,030.00

3/9/2015 1829 Sidney Harrington 2,308.18


Shed building, Ray & Sidney’s subcontracts for the District, John’s replacement, review applications and set up candidate interviews


Dick motioned to adjourn the regular meeting, Mike seconded and all were in favor at approximately 5:18 PM.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 20, 4:00 p.m., at the Minturn Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.

Respectfully Submitted:

Sidney Harrington




Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District


Meeting Minutes – February 2015



February 9, 2015

Members Present:

John Sheehan

Mike Martinez

Dick Cleveland

Members Absent:



Sidney Harrington

Ray Sforzo


Dick Cleveland called the regular meeting to order at approximately 4:05 p.m. at the Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.


Dick, Mike, Ray and Sidney were all present. John arrived 15 minutes later.


Nick Hodgdon with First Call of Colorado attended the meeting to address the Board and Staff regarding a proposal to inter scientific research cremains in the Mausoleum ossuary. First Call of Colorado is a transport and cremation business that serves the state of Colorado anatomical board, several county coroner offices, and medical examiner offices, as well as funeral homes on the Front Range.

Nick addressed the Board and Staff on behalf of Science Care, his client, who is currently seeking new and dignified cremains disposal options. Science Care is an organization that implements a whole body donation program linking donors with those in the medical community who develop new, innovative techniques, devices and treatments to advance and improve the quality of healthcare.

Specifically, Nick proposed a monthly ossuary drop-off program administered through his company. There will be a set fee for each cremation that goes into the ossuary. A pre-scheduled drop off date will be arranged with the District office along with an inventory list of cremains to be placed.

Discussion ensued with Board and Staff and all were in agreement that the District shall move forward with exploring a contract with First Call of Colorado on a one-year trial basis. Sidney will coordinate contract details with Nick for the Board to review at the next meeting. Mike would like Sidney to contact Front Range funeral homes to learn more about ossuary pricing.


John motioned to approve the meeting minutes from January 12, 2015 and Mike seconded the motion. Dick abstained as he did not attend the January meeting.


A. Ray gave a property manager report:

The Cemetery had another casket burial on February 4th in the upper cemetery. The family of Alvin Johnson purchased a total of 10 burial plots. A concrete vault was installed for this burial and a professional vault company was utilized for the burial service. Portable dollies were used to lower the concrete vault having minimal impact to Cemetery grounds. All went very smoothly other than some dirt caving into the grave site. The problem was mitigated quickly and there was no delay in the burial service.

Ray reported that gutters have been installed on the bathroom building.

PSI has been to the Mausoleum to troubleshoot some snow melt system issues including compressor pump failure. It is recommended that we reconfigure boiler pumps to resolve the problem. Ray has obtained a quote for work and will look into a 2nd opinion.

Maintenance building expansion/design/use continues to be on Ray’s radar screen as he has been in contact with Jim McNeil and will continue to move forward.

A. Sidney gave an Administrator report:

Sidney addressed recent concerns regarding public threats such as “suing the cemetery”. Matt Mire, legal counsel for the District, said to advise cemetery patrons to simply “speak with an attorney”. Board and Staff addressed signage concerns and attempts to avoid accidents. There is only so much the Staff and District can do to circumvent ignorance.

Sidney addressed the Board on behalf of the Administrator and Property Manager contracts. Both subcontracts have expired and it is time for the Board of Directors to review, amend, and approve new contracts. Both Ray and Sidney would like to see some changes in regards to standards of engagement, liability, and indemnification. Together, each position is a 365 day-a-year job requiring on-call services and regular direction from the Board. The current contract in place is designed more for outside parties who do not answer to the Board of Directors. Furthermore, compensation needs to be addressed as it relates to job description, duties, cost-of-living, property management standards, and specialized services (burials).The Board advised Sidney and Ray to forward Staff contract concerns along with the old subcontract directly to Matt Mire for review and advice. Dick and the Board would like to ensure District By-Laws are consistent with any proposed contract changes and Dick will consult with Matt directly on the subject.


The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT 2/9/2015 Centurylink 260.08

The following checks were signed:

2/9/2015 1811 Chase Ink 458.62

2/9/2015 1812 Hayes, Phillips, Hoffmann & Carberry 518.00

2/9/2015 1813 Home Depot 632.78

2/9/2015 1814 Liberty Mutual Insurance 177.00

2/9/2015 1807 Marchetti & Weaver, LLC 1,210.35

2/9/2015 1815 Mobloggy 87.50

2/9/2015 1809 MW Window Cleaning 115.00

2/9/2015 1808 Plumbing Systems Inc. 545.00

2/9/2015 1791 Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes 963.36

2/9/2015 1816 Sforzo Enterprises Inc. 5,302.50

2/9/2015 1817 Sidney Harrington 2,240.00

2/9/2015 1810 Vail Valley Gutter, Inc. 740.00

2/9/2015 1818 Xcel Energy 625.63


Shed building, Ray & Sidney’s subcontracts for the District, motorized gate, heating system


Dick motioned to adjourn the regular meeting, John seconded and all were in favor at approximately 5:30 PM.

The next regular board meeting is (DATE TO BE DETERMINED) , 4:00 p.m., at the Minturn Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.

Respectfully Submitted:

Sidney Harrington




Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District


Meeting Minutes – January 2015



January 12, 2015

Members Present:

John Sheehan

Mike Martinez

Members Absent:

Dick Cleveland


Sidney Harrington

Ray Sforzo


John Sheehan called the regular meeting to order at approximately 4:10 p.m. at the Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.


John, Mike, Ray and Sidney were all present. Dick was out of town and did not attend.




John motioned to approve the meeting minutes from December 8, 2014 and Mike seconded the motion and all were in favor.


A. Ray gave a property manager report:

The Cemetery had a casket burial on December 22 in the lower cemetery. The days surrounding the burial we received more than a foot of snow and on the day of the burial, we had blizzard conditions with heavy and continuous snowfall. Ray reported that he set up two days earlier and found no frost line or dig challenges with frozen ground because the snow insulates the ground. The burial hole was kept covered until just before the casket arrived to prevent the hole from filling with snow. The burial service went rather quickly due to weather. This particular burial proved to be one of the more challenging due to winter weather.

In addition, when Sidney met with the deceased family (pre-funeral), their rear-wheel drive sedan got stock coming up the cemetery center drive. One of the ladies got out of the car and slipped and fell. She then asked if she could “sue the cemetery”. The Board agreed that there is no negligence here and Sidney shall consult with Matt Mire to determine an appropriate response to this type of inquiry from the general public.

The Board inquired about winter visitors and Ray and Sidney both reported seeing visitors even during the snowiest conditions, i.e. one of the newer burials in the upper cemetery recently had a snowman built on the gravesite to celebrate the deceased’s birthday.

Ray also reported that roof snow buildup around the vent pipe on the mausoleum roof resulted in a service call to PSI (plumber). Ray had the snow removed from the roof to clear the vent pipe. Mike suggested that we extend the vent to prevent this from happening further. Here in Vail/Minturn we have had more than13 feet of snow this season.

Ray reported that regular snow removal was going well with A4S and 25 plows have already been done. Upon request of Arnold with TOM the new lower snow gate has been left open recently due to all the elk that we have had in the area.

The new Cemetery railings by the public restroom were recently used as a snowboard rail slide by a local boy who built a snow ramp and slid down the railings. The video posting was pointed out to Ray by Arnold who works for TOM. Ray will have some divits welded onto the railing to prevent this from happening further.

Ray finished by saying he is really pleased with our current subcontractors who perform the grave excavation and the snow removal services.

A. Sidney gave an Administrator report:

Matt Mire has revised the R&Rs and fee schedule per our recommendations at the last meeting. Sidney also recommended that we remove the 10-foot burial fee from our fee schedule as we do not offer the “double-decker” option any longer and we do not want to encourage it for any reason. John motioned to remove it and Mike seconded and all were in favor. If the occasion arises where we are digging that deep, we will price it accordingly. Sidney will distribute the amended docs to the Board at the next meeting.

Sidney will distribute the 2 letters to funeral homes (composed by Matt Mire) reminding them of our services, fees and R&Rs.

Sidney distributed the Eagle County 2014 tax revenue statement for the District. $524,180.13 was collected in 2014. December bank account balances for First Bank and COLOTRUST accounts were verified by the Board for 2014 audit purposes.

Sidney would like to close the CHASE Ink credit card account that is still in Ernie’s name. Ernie does not have a District Credit card in his possession; however, the account is still in his name for the Minturn Cemetery District. Upon the advice of Marchetti & Weaver, it is easiest to close CHASE and open a new one at First Bank in a current Board members name instead of trying to transfer the account.

Finally, the Board was asked to acknowledge that the subcontracts for the District Administrator (Sidney) and the District Property Manager (Ray) though they expired in May of 2014 shall be continued and extended until new agreements can be reviewed and approved by Board and Staff. John motioned that Ray & Sidney’s contracts are still in good standing and the Board will review new contracts in the coming months. Mike seconded and all were in favor. John and Mike both commended the Staff for how well things are running here at the Cemetery due to the exceptional efforts of Ray & Sidney.

In closing, both John and Mike inquired about the shed building status. Ray intends to keep moving forward with Jim McNiel so that we can execute the plan in the spring/summer.


The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT 12/15/2014 Vail Honeywagon 25.00

EFT 12/21/2014 ERWSD 112.48

EFT 1/12/2015 Centurylink 260.43

The following checks were signed:

1/12/2015 1793 A4S Construction 4,290.00

1/12/2015 1800 Chase Ink 1,938.86

1/12/2015 1794 Defina Construction, Inc. 400.00

1/12/2105 1801 Eagle County Historical Society 251.00

1/12/2015 1795 Fitz Landscaping 9,338.13

1/12/2015 1796 Great Divide Construction 1,244.98

1/12/2015 1797 Home Depot 1,197.84

1/12/2015 1798 Liberty Mutual Insurance 152.00

1/12/2015 1792 Marchetti & Weaver, LLC 378.20

1/12/2015 1802 Sforzo Enterprises, Inc. 5,635.00

1/12/2015 1803 Sidney Harrington 2,240.00

1/12/2015 1804 Vail’s Cleaning Machine 210.00

1/12/2015 1799 Vail Lock, Key & Safe 69.99

1/12/2015 1805 Vail Electronics 407.00

1/12/2015 1806 Xcel Energy 1,123.86


Shed building, Ray & Sidney’s subcontracts for the District


John motioned to adjourn the regular meeting, Mike seconded and all were in favor at approximately 5:17 PM.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 9, 4:00 p.m., at the Minturn Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.

Respectfully Submitted:

Sidney Harrington




Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District


Meeting Minutes – December 2014

minutes-iconMembers Present: John Sheehan Dick Cleveland Mike Martinez

Members Absent: n/a

Staff: Matt Mire, Sidney Harrington, Ray Sforzo


I           CALL TO ORDER

John Sheehan called the regular meeting to order at approximately 4:00 p.m. at the Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO. II


John, Mike, Ray and Sidney were all present. Matt Mire also attended the meeting. III






Dick motioned to approve the meeting minutes from November 10, 2014. Mike seconded the motion and all were in favor.


  2. A. Ray gave a property manager report:


Ray reported on the recent challenges of two winter burials in November. There is a considerable amount of extra work that goes into pulling it off. Snow removal, ground freezing and weather are all elements that make it more time consuming for staff. The Bochain burial had guests in the upper cemetery who utilized the interior of the mausoleum very minimally for accessing the restroom, drinking water, etc. The Gallegos burial hosted a full funeral service inside the mausoleum resulting in a 1.5 hour service. Additionally, this burial required staff to install a polymer plastic vault. Both of these circumstances resulted in extra work and staff hours.


The clutch went out on the Ford truck. Valley Automotive quoted $1500 to fix the clutch and has offered to buy it for $750. Dick motioned not to fix the truck and to sell the truck to Valley Automotive. John seconded and all were in favor.


The slot drain has been installed down by the public restroom.


Board and staff continued discussion regarding vault installation and circumstances involving family and funeral home communications. Dick suggested that we have a burial check list.


  1. B. Sidney gave an Administrator report:


Discussion continued regarding the vault installation of the Gallegos burial including the timing of digging the grave and determining appropriate grave width for vaults. Sidney reported that all families are told that a concrete vault must be installed by a professional vault company. Families are also told that if they wish to utilize the interior of the mausoleum that they must schedule it with staff 48 hours in advance.


Staff revisited the mausoleum usage as it relates to people who own a space in the building vs. those people who do not. The Gallegos family conducted a 1.5 hour long service that delayed the burial. They did not pay a fee to use the building and conduct a funeral service including a viewing of the deceased. Dick said that this might be reasonable if we charge a rental fee and discussion continued.


Sidney suggested that the District send a letter to the two funeral homes (Gypsum and Leadville) that reminds them of the R&Rs. Dick further commented that the letter should emphasize ONLY the 2 important factors for scheduling burials: 1. Appropriate vault notification and 2. Appropriate mausoleum building use notification.


Board and staff agreed that a vault “service and handling” fee should always be charged no matter what type of vault is being installed. In other words, if there is a vault there is an additional fee. Dick also said we should refer to a vault as “casket protection” so that in the future there is no confusion. The winter burial fee was also addressed. Moving forward, we will always charge the winter fee Nov.1 through May. If we do not have winter costs, we can refund the winter rate; however, we will not alert people to the refund. This way we cover our costs if they are indeed incurred.


Sidney reviewed the Rule & Regulations with Board, staff and Matt. Changes to the verbiage in the vault installation section and the mausoleum building use sections were suggested and Matt will make the changes. Discussion ensued regarding charging a fee for a scheduled burial service inside the mausoleum. Sidney questioned the origin of the mausoleum membership and how the District should plan for the future. As the mausoleum fills, we need to accommodate for member discretion. Offering burial patrons (who are not interred in the building) rights to use the chapel may not be in the District’s best interest. Board and staff agreed that it will be much simpler to offer the chapel to mausoleum patrons only and disallow any request for funeral services for cemetery burial patrons. Additionally, a specific burial excavation depth shall be modified and Matt will revise the R&Rs, Interment Rights Contract, and the Fee Schedule respective to the discussed and agreed upon changes set forth in this meeting.



The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT     11/21/2014               ERWSD         112.48

EFT     12/1/2014                  Waste Management    50.00

EFT     12/3/2014                  Vail Honeywagon    19.69

EFT     12/5/2014                  Waste Management           50.00

EFT     12/5/2014                  Centurylink    224.31


The following checks were signed:


12/8/2014 1784 A4S Construction 1,950.00
12/8/2014 1777 ABC Parts, Inc. 27.47
12/8/2014 1785 Chase Ink     1,565.41
12/8/2014 1778 Defina Construction, Inc. 800.00
12/8/2014 1779 Home Depot 821.55
12/8/2014 1780 Marchetti & Weaver, LLC 985.21
12/8/2014 1786 MW Window Cleaning 175.00

12/8/2014      1781 Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes   1,245.00

12/8/2104      1782 Saint Patrick Catholic Church       490.00

12/8/2014      1787 Sforzo Enterprises, Inc.      6,685.00

12/8/2014      1788 Ray Sforzo    36.49

12/8/2014      1789 Sidney Harrington   1,400.00

12/8/2014      1790 SVE Portable Roadway Systems, Inc.    2,563.00

12/8/2014      1783 Xcel Energy 953.90







John motioned to adjourn the regular meeting, Dick seconded and all were in favor at approximately 5:04 PM.


The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 12, 2015 at 4:00 p.m., at the

Minturn Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.



Respectfully Submitted: Sidney Harrington Administrator

Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District


Meeting Minutes – November 2014

minutes-iconMembers Present: John Sheehan Dick Cleveland Mike Martinez

Members Absent: n/a

Staff: Ken Marchetti, Sidney Harrington, Ray Sforzo


I           CALL TO ORDER


John Sheehan called the regular meeting to order at approximately 5:24 p.m. at the Riverview

Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO. II


John, Mike, Ray and Sidney were all present. Dick and Ken were not present at the start of the meeting but arrived later.






John motioned to approve the meeting minutes from October 27, 2014. Mike seconded the motion and all were in favor.




Dick and Ken Marchetti joined the meeting. Ken represents Marchetti and Weaver (formerly Robertson Marchetti, P.C.), District Accountant, and presented the 2015 annual District budget for review and approval. For the record, the meeting for the budget discussion and presentation has been posted to the public in the Vail Daily and this meeting is also open to the public.


Ken reviewed relevant expenditures and income for the District including operating expenses and capital expenses. Along with Board and Staff, capital expenditure projects for 2015 were discussed:


  1. 1. Cemetery front gate paving project
  2. 2. Shed building expansion
  3. 3. Stucco wall improvements at Mausoleum


Minor line item adjustments were suggested for the budget including the addition of a “pest control” line item. Dick commented that anything we have a contract for we should also create a line item in the budget. Sewer and water system maintenance will be separated into respective line items so that we can track each one separately. Landscaping capital improvements for 2015 will be minimal due to the amount of improvements that have been completed in 2014. Dick does not want District expenditures to exceed revenue and all were in agreement. Ken suggested bringing the capital contingency down from $250k to $200k putting expenditure at $436k and revenue at approximately $470k. The Board agreed.


Dick motioned to approve the three-part Budget Resolution and read the following aloud.


1. The mil levy shall be set at .450 mils for the Minturn Cemetery District 2015 budge

2. The Minturn Cemetery District shall adopt the 2015 budget discussed here tonight

3. The District funds shall be appropriated and incorporated for spending.


A. Ray reported that plot marker placement has been completed in the lower cemetery and we are now working on marking the upper cemetery. Upon marking, available plot spaces have been identified.


Gutters for unisex bathroom are in process and will be installed soon. Railing is in process and will also be installed this upcoming week.

  1. B. Sidney gave an Administrator report:


Janet with St. Patrick’s Church Bulletin advertising called to inquire about advertising opportunities in the weekly bulletin. Board and Staff discussed and Board agreed to purchase a small ad for $490. Further discussion ensued regarding advertising in the Eagle community as their local cemetery does not perform winter burials.


Sidney has been corresponding with the Town of Minturn regarding the potential purchase of the 2006 Dodge Dakota truck with 60,000 miles on it. Willy has said that the TOM will accept an offer of $6,500.00 and that they have another party that is interested. Willy would like an answer by Tuesday, Nov.11. John motioned to buy the truck for $6500.00 and Mike seconded. Dick opposed the purchase. Sidney and Ray will make plans to put the old truck for sale on


Sidney reported that Eagle County has purchased a plot for the “unknown” man that was found in Vail and they intend to bury him in the spring. A plot located in the area of several “unknown” burials in the lower cemetery has been issued to Eagle County.



The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT     11/3/2014                  Vail Honeywagon    31.13

EFT     11/5/2014                  Waste Management           50.00

EFT     11/10/2014               Centurylink    233.33


The following checks were signed:


11/10/2014 1772 Chase Ink     298.65
11/10/2014 1767 Fitz Landscaping, Inc. 5,854.00
11/10/2014 1768 Home Depot       470.41
11/10/2014 1773 Sforzo Enterprises, Inc. 5,565.00

11/10/2014   1774 Sidney Harrington    1,400.00

11/10/2014   1771 Tom Mulroy 12,500.00

11/10/2014   1775 Vail Daily       22.04

11/10/2014   1769 Vail Lock, Key & Safe   32.40

11/10/2014   1770 Xcel Energy      393.56




Shed building uses, needs, dimensions, grading, specifications and budgeting




John motioned to adjourn the regular meeting, Mike seconded and all were in favor at approximately 6:49 PM.


The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 8, 4:00 p.m., at the

Minturn Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.


Respectfully Submitted: Sidney Harrington Administrator

Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District


Meeting Minutes – October 2014

minutes-iconMembers Present: John Sheehan Dick Cleveland

Members Absent: Mike Martinez

Staff: Sidney Harrington, Ray Sforzo





I           CALL TO ORDER

John Sheehan called the regular meeting to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. at the Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.


II          ROLL CALL

John, Dick, Ray and Sidney were all present. Mike was absent.






Dick motioned to approve the meeting minutes from September 8, 2014. John seconded the motion and all were in favor.



  1. A. Ray reported a successful lawn mowing season; however, next year, he will request that all grass be bagged during moving to avoid potential grass stains on monumen


Ray has collected three bids for snow removal:


  1. 1. Robert Martinez per plow price: $70.00
  2. 2. A4S Construction per plow price: $150.00
  3. 3. DeFina per plow price: $220.00


Pricing was discussed by Board and staff and Ray would like to recommend A4S for 2014-2015 snow removal. Dick motioned to move forward with a seasonal contract with A4S contingent upon contract review by Sidney. John seconded and all were in favor.


Ray has been gathering more information about the storage shed as he has been soliciting bids from several subcontractors. It appears that site work involving utilities and several subcontractors is imminent to build the shed and level and pave the area correctly. Ray had a meeting with Jim McNeil regarding the building and would like to work with Alpine Engineering to prepare a plan from the Topo drawings that were done for the existing shed. Jim McNeil recommended utilizing a general contractor for the job. Board agreed that we need to do a little more “homework” and put this project on hold until we gather more information and access needs.


A used Kubota RTV 1100 vehicle has been on loan here at the Cemetery for the purpose of determining whether or not we should purchase for use here at the Cemetery. The vehicle only has 500 hours on it and features turf tires that allow for ease of access directly on the grass at grave sites. There is a convenient dump feature and we can add a gravel spreader. Ray thinks this vehicle is most important for its efficiency as it relates to the property. Board and staff examined the vehicle and Dick motioned to buy the Kubota for

$12,500.00, John seconded and all were in favor.


  1. B. Sidney gave an Administrator report:


We had a burial on September 20 in the upper cemetery and all went well. It has been a busy summer with several cremains and casket burials throughout the cemetery.


Sidney reported to the Board and staff, that the Town of Minturn (Willy Powell, Town Manager) has been informed about our potential paving projects directly outside of the front gates. Ray confirmed that we would pave 15 feet out and the gravel swale would stay. The town is okay with the project moving forward in 2015. Additionally, Sidney has also spoken with Willy Powell about the potential purchase of the old Town of Minturn police truck that is currently for sale.


Sidney presented an engagement letter to Board for conducting the 2014 audit with McMahon & Associates. John motioned to move forward with the audit, Dick seconded and all were in favor.


Sidney presented an engagement letter to retain District accounting services with Marchetti & Weaver, LLC, formerly , Robertson & Marchetti, P.C. Dick motioned to approve, John seconded and all were in favor.


Sidney reported that Benjamin Linscott with the Eagle County Coroner’s office has contacted the District again regarding the burial remains of the old rancher that was found during a construction excavation in Vail who is to be laid to rest close to his home. Eagle County would like to move forward with purchasing a burial plot here. In an effort to save tax payers money, the Board agreed to waive fees for the cremains excavation fee of $100 and the grave layout fee of $50.



The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT     9/20/2014                  ERWSD         304.00

EFT     10/3/2014                  Vail Honeywagon    31.16

EFT     10/1/2014                  Waste Management           50.00

EFT     10/15/2014               Waste Management           25.00


The following checks were signed:


10/22/2014   1763 A-Peak Asphalt        1,514.00

10/22/2014 1759 Centurylink 260.36
10/22/2014 1748 Chase Ink 1,184.20
10/22/2014 1749 Defina Construction 500.00
10/22/2014 1750 Digital FX      500.00
10/22/2014 1745 Fitz Landscaping, Inc.        16,254.66



10/22/2014 1751 Home Depot 54.21
10/22/2014 1753 Martinez Trucking, Inc. 500.00
10/22/2014 1746 Marchetti & Weaver, LLC 464.50
10/22/2014 1752 Mobloggy      38.75
10/22/2014 1760 MW Window Cleaning 175.00
10/22/2014 1754 Orkin Pest Control 1,000.00
10/22/2014 1747 Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes 963.36
10/22/2014 1761 Sforzo Enterprises, Inc.      7,157.50
10/22/2014 1762 Sidney Harrington   2,240.00
10/22/2014 1755 SVE Portable Roadway Systems 2,562.00
10/22/2014 1756 Vail’s Cleaning Machine    270.00
10/22/2014 1757 Vail Daily       22.04
10/22/2014 1747 West Vail Shell        161.71
10/22/2014 1758 Xcel Energy 150.12



Dick motioned to adjourn the regular meeting and John seconded at approximately 6:49 PM.


The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 8, 4:00 p.m., at the

Minturn Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.



Respectfully Submitted: Sidney Harrington Administrator


Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District


Meeting Minutes – September 2014

minutes-iconMembers Present: Mike Martinez John Sheehan

Members Absent: Dick Cleveland


Sidney Harrington, Ray Sforzo



I           CALL TO ORDER

John Sheehan called the regular meeting to order at approximately 4:12 p.m. at the Riverview

Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.


II          ROLL CALL

John, Mike, Ray and Sidney were all present. Dick was absent.






John motioned to approve the meeting minutes from August 18, 2014. John seconded the motion and all were in favor.



  1. A. Ray reported that all of the scheduled landscaping improvements were installed including trees to the south of the property and the new flower bed in the area just below the bathroom.


Ray is collecting building bids for the shed extension. Ways to minimize costs of the building is to utilize the existing asphalt. The bid that we have received thus far is for approximately $27,000. Ray will gather more bids and report back. We may want to call a special meeting to move forward.


Minturn is selling their old Police truck. It is a white extended-cab automatic vehicle. TOM would like to sell it for $5,000. It has approximately 60,000 miles on it. It is a nicer truck that looks a lot better than the Ranger. Board agreed that it is a good price and our new logo on the white truck would be more professional looking than the old truck.


Ray has been struggling to get our excavator to fall in line with our expectations that include protection of the lawn and clean up. Ray believes Robert Martinez has been given several chances; however, when Ray was out of town, he really disappointed staff. He only performs the tasks that were added to the sub-contract when being supervised resulting in extra hours for cemetery staff. Other times a mess is left beyond resulting in staff clean-up hours. Ray would like to put Robert on notice (to end his contract) and obtain a couple of other excavators to have on hand. John suggested Joe Smith. We are also seeking alternative snow removal bids to consider. Ray has been coaching Martinez to


improvement in both excavating and snow removal and it is not working out. Board and staff believe that some of “the old ways” of cemetery operations are lingering with subs. Now that we have a lot of capital invested in this property, we need to protect it and work with professional sub-contractors who are motivated to perform.


Protection of the landscaping and grounds was further addressed and John motioned to purchase MUD-TRAKS lawn mats for the heavy machinery to protect the lawn at a price not to exceed $5200 (includes shipping). Mike seconded and all were in favor.


Snow removal was discussed including obtaining several bids for per plow service. Sidney commented that plowing last year was under-bid as Ray confirmed it takes 2 hours to plow the cemetery thoroughly. Perhaps we obtain bids based on a 2 hour plow service.


  1. B. Sidney gave an Administrator report:


We had a burial on August 28 in the upper cemetery. It rained and 3 tents were set up for the burial service and all went very well. Mike commented that a tent is very important even in the heat as he recently experienced. Ray used 2 of his own tents to pull it off. John motioned to approve the purchase of 2 three-sided tents for this purpose and Mike seconded. Family of the deceased also observed the grave site closing excavation from inside the mausoleum while it rained.


The credit card payment system is up and running and there will be a monthly electronic funds transfer of $60/mo.


The Cemetery Tour was well attended and we had over 200 people come through the tour. It was a beautiful day and everything went smoothly. Attendees said it was highly entertaining.


Sidney reported that Benjamin Linscott with the Eagle County Coronors office has inquired about burying the “unknown” human remains that were found in Vail here in Minturn. Because this is an ongoing investigation, the Coroner is not going to cremate the remains, rather, bury the remains. Benjamin was directed to the web site for pricing, and Sidney said that we could customize an excavation price based his unique needs (2×3 box vs. a casket, no need for lowering device). The question also came up regarding storing the bones in a crypt space for a few months until they are ready to put him into the ground. Board and staff discussed and agreed that the District would not allow something like this.


Board and staff discussed potential 2015 capital expenditures (projects and improvements). John commented how nice the cemetery looks and that we are on the right track. Landscaping looks really good. The following projects were suggested:


  1. 1. Exterior front gate paving: pending TOM intergovernmental agreement, it would be nice to replace the gravel with asphalt directly outside the three front gates.
  2. 2. Lawn-friendly vehicle for turf maintenance: Ray would like a machine that is suitable for driving on grass (something that has a dump bed and something for spreading gravel in winter). John suggested the Kubota ATV 1100. Mike concurred that this would be a good asse
  3. 3. Continued landscape improvements
  4. 4. Stucco replacement for exterior wall at mausoleum
  5. Board and staff toured the cemetery grounds to view potential improvement projects for the immediate future and for 2015. The drainage issue by the public restroom will be fixed as soon as possible. John motioned to move forward with building the staircase up to the bathroom at a price not to exceed $3500 (including iron railing).




The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT     9/8/2014                    Century Link   260.01

EFT     9/1/2014                    First Bank      60.00

EFT     9/2/2014                    Vail Honeywagon    31.15

EFT     9/1/2014                    Waste Management           50.00

EFT     9/5/2014                    Waste Management   50.00


The following checks were signed:


9/8/2014 1733 Avignon Stone & Outdoor Living 2,500.00
9/8/2014 1734 Chase Ink     792.63
9/8/2014 1735 Great Divide Construction, Inc.     397.00
9/8/2014 1736 Hayes, Phillips, Hoffmann & Carberry    1,202.50
9/8/2014 1737 Home Depot 489.69
9/8/2014 1738 Martinez Trucking, Inc.        400.00
9/8/2014 1739 Mountain Valley Ventures, Inc.      2,300.00
9/8/2014 1731 Robertson & Marchetti, P.C.          262.45
9/8/2014 1732 Orkin Pest Control 500.00
9/8/2014 1742 Sforzo Enterprises, Inc.      5,862.50
9/8/2014 1741 Ray Sforzo    34.34
9/8/2014 1743 Sidney Harrington   1,680.00
9/8/2014 1740 Xcel Energy 171.03


IX         FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Snow removal contract Excavation contract

Maintenance building expansion bids

2015 budget



John motioned to adjourn the regular meeting and Mike seconded at approximately 6:35 PM.


The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 13, 4:00 p.m., at the Minturn

Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.



Respectfully Submitted: Sidney Harrington Administrator

Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District


Meeting Minutes – September 2014

minutes-iconMembers Present: Mike Martinez John Sheehan

Members Absent: Dick Cleveland


Sidney Harrington, Ray Sforzo



I           CALL TO ORDER

John Sheehan called the regular meeting to order at approximately 4:12 p.m. at the Riverview

Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.


II          ROLL CALL

John, Mike, Ray and Sidney were all present. Dick was absent.






John motioned to approve the meeting minutes from August 18, 2014. John seconded the motion and all were in favor.



  1. A. Ray reported that all of the scheduled landscaping improvements were installed including trees to the south of the property and the new flower bed in the area just below the bathroom.


Ray is collecting building bids for the shed extension. Ways to minimize costs of the building is to utilize the existing asphalt. The bid that we have received thus far is for approximately $27,000. Ray will gather more bids and report back. We may want to call a special meeting to move forward.


Minturn is selling their old Police truck. It is a white extended-cab automatic vehicle. TOM would like to sell it for $5,000. It has approximately 60,000 miles on it. It is a nicer truck that looks a lot better than the Ranger. Board agreed that it is a good price and our new logo on the white truck would be more professional looking than the old truck.


Ray has been struggling to get our excavator to fall in line with our expectations that include protection of the lawn and clean up. Ray believes Robert Martinez has been given several chances; however, when Ray was out of town, he really disappointed staff. He only performs the tasks that were added to the sub-contract when being supervised resulting in extra hours for cemetery staff. Other times a mess is left beyond resulting in staff clean-up hours. Ray would like to put Robert on notice (to end his contract) and obtain a couple of other excavators to have on hand. John suggested Joe Smith. We are also seeking alternative snow removal bids to consider. Ray has been coaching Martinez to


improvement in both excavating and snow removal and it is not working out. Board and staff believe that some of “the old ways” of cemetery operations are lingering with subs. Now that we have a lot of capital invested in this property, we need to protect it and work with professional sub-contractors who are motivated to perform.


Protection of the landscaping and grounds was further addressed and John motioned to purchase MUD-TRAKS lawn mats for the heavy machinery to protect the lawn at a price not to exceed $5200 (includes shipping). Mike seconded and all were in favor.


Snow removal was discussed including obtaining several bids for per plow service. Sidney commented that plowing last year was under-bid as Ray confirmed it takes 2 hours to plow the cemetery thoroughly. Perhaps we obtain bids based on a 2 hour plow service.


  1. B. Sidney gave an Administrator report:


We had a burial on August 28 in the upper cemetery. It rained and 3 tents were set up for the burial service and all went very well. Mike commented that a tent is very important even in the heat as he recently experienced. Ray used 2 of his own tents to pull it off. John motioned to approve the purchase of 2 three-sided tents for this purpose and Mike seconded. Family of the deceased also observed the grave site closing excavation from inside the mausoleum while it rained.


The credit card payment system is up and running and there will be a monthly electronic funds transfer of $60/mo.


The Cemetery Tour was well attended and we had over 200 people come through the tour. It was a beautiful day and everything went smoothly. Attendees said it was highly entertaining.


Sidney reported that Benjamin Linscott with the Eagle County Coronors office has inquired about burying the “unknown” human remains that were found in Vail here in Minturn. Because this is an ongoing investigation, the Coroner is not going to cremate the remains, rather, bury the remains. Benjamin was directed to the web site for pricing, and Sidney said that we could customize an excavation price based his unique needs (2×3 box vs. a casket, no need for lowering device). The question also came up regarding storing the bones in a crypt space for a few months until they are ready to put him into the ground. Board and staff discussed and agreed that the District would not allow something like this.


Board and staff discussed potential 2015 capital expenditures (projects and improvements). John commented how nice the cemetery looks and that we are on the right track. Landscaping looks really good. The following projects were suggested:


  1. 1. Exterior front gate paving: pending TOM intergovernmental agreement, it would be nice to replace the gravel with asphalt directly outside the three front gates.
  2. 2. Lawn-friendly vehicle for turf maintenance: Ray would like a machine that is suitable for driving on grass (something that has a dump bed and something for spreading gravel in winter). John suggested the Kubota ATV 1100. Mike concurred that this would be a good asse
  3. 3. Continued landscape improvements
  4. 4. Stucco replacement for exterior wall at mausoleum
  5. Board and staff toured the cemetery grounds to view potential improvement projects for the immediate future and for 2015. The drainage issue by the public restroom will be fixed as soon as possible. John motioned to move forward with building the staircase up to the bathroom at a price not to exceed $3500 (including iron railing).




The following electronic funds transfers were made:

EFT     9/8/2014                    Century Link   260.01

EFT     9/1/2014                    First Bank      60.00

EFT     9/2/2014                    Vail Honeywagon    31.15

EFT     9/1/2014                    Waste Management           50.00

EFT     9/5/2014                    Waste Management   50.00


The following checks were signed:


9/8/2014 1733 Avignon Stone & Outdoor Living 2,500.00
9/8/2014 1734 Chase Ink     792.63
9/8/2014 1735 Great Divide Construction, Inc.     397.00
9/8/2014 1736 Hayes, Phillips, Hoffmann & Carberry    1,202.50
9/8/2014 1737 Home Depot 489.69
9/8/2014 1738 Martinez Trucking, Inc.        400.00
9/8/2014 1739 Mountain Valley Ventures, Inc.      2,300.00
9/8/2014 1731 Robertson & Marchetti, P.C.          262.45
9/8/2014 1732 Orkin Pest Control 500.00
9/8/2014 1742 Sforzo Enterprises, Inc.      5,862.50
9/8/2014 1741 Ray Sforzo    34.34
9/8/2014 1743 Sidney Harrington   1,680.00
9/8/2014 1740 Xcel Energy 171.03


IX         FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Snow removal contract Excavation contract

Maintenance building expansion bids

2015 budget



John motioned to adjourn the regular meeting and Mike seconded at approximately 6:35 PM.


The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 13, 4:00 p.m., at the Minturn

Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum, Minturn, CO.



Respectfully Submitted: Sidney Harrington Administrator

Mike Martinez

Minturn Cemetery District
